For Your Service Provider

MAX Icon blue in circle

MAX offers support and education services to the healthcare providers that serve guys into guys in the Ottawa Region.

Want to learn about GBT2Q men’s health and wellness?

Female pulling a sticky note off the wall of other sticks with a co-worker looking over

MAX Ottawa offers workshops to current and future service providers to increase their skills and knowledge in working with GBT2Q communities and advocating for their specific health and wellness needs.

You can join us at one of our public workshops or we can come to your workplace to offer customized training.

Contact MAX for more details

Phone: 613-701-6555

Behind the Scene Poster
Monthly educational workshops relating to a variety of topics surrounding GBT2Q men's health, presented in partnership with The Ottawa Hospital. Topics are usually related to mental, physical, sexual, spiritual and social health.

Learn more about Behind the Scene.

Phone: 613-701-6555


Want to help us address our unmet needs and gaps?

Mental Health Partnership

Our GBT2Q+ mental health partnership table is made up of mental health practitioners (which includes managers and front line workers from agencies, community workers, and private practitioners). We meet quarterly to get feedback on our programs and services, discuss issues relevant to our communities, and understand how we can work together to address these barriers systemically. Each meeting usually includes a presentation on a topic pertinent to the GBT2Q+ communities that we work with.

Contact MAX for more details:

Phone: 613-701-6555

PrEP/PEP Strategy

In partnership with The Ottawa Hospital and other key players, MAX Ottawa will bring regional partners, and stakeholders together to create a strategy to increase access to and uptake of PrEP and nPEP by guys into guys in the Nation's Capital region. This call to action will complement the efforts already being done throughout the region by different stakeholders and will help coordinate a systems approach around these prevention methods.

Phone: 613-701-6555