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Event Series Event Series: Ottawa Frontrunners

OFR Women’s* 5 km walk or run

January 24 @ 5:15 pm 6:45 pm

We invite you to join Ottawa Frontrunners for a Trans-inclusive, family-friendly Women’s 5 km walk or run. All levels are welcome! (*This event is open to all who identify as women, female-identifying, non-binary, and Two-Spirit individuals.)

The Friday night activity will be led by the Women’s Co-chair or member of Ottawa Frontrunners, and is in addition to the Tuesday night (6:30 pm) and Saturday morning (9:00 am (spring, summer, fall); 9:30 am from the first Saturday of December to the last Saturday of March inclusive) regularly scheduled times with the club.

We will be meeting at Ottawa City Hall, Lisgar Street entrance, at 5:10 pm and departing from there at 5:15 pm.

For details send an email to wmns@ottawafrontrunners.org.

111 Lisgar