Connect with a counselor and healthcare professionals experienced in meeting the needs of GBTQ2 guys.
MAX can help you navigate mental health services and find GBTQ2 affirming professionals using a three-step approach:
Step 1:
Intake - Our Health Navigator meets with you to discuss your needs and explore options that work best for you.
Step 2:
Referral - Our Health Navigator provides you with a list of referrals that suit your goals and work for you financially. Currently MAX can refer to psychologists, social workers, and other forms of psychotherapy.
Step 3:
Follow-Up - At the two week and three month marks our Health Navigator checks in to make certain you are receiving the support you need.
If needed, our Health Navigator can offer additional referrals or explore other options with you.
If you have any questions or aren’t sure about the service, our Health Navigator can talk to you about your concerns. Email or call 613-701-6555 ext. 1003.
More info coming soon.
Join one of our eight-week health and wellness support groups.
More info coming soon.
Our new volunteer peer support program can connect you to a listening ear thanks to our multilingual helpline!
More info coming soon.
An art-based program for GBT2Q folks.
More information coming soon.
Do You Mind is a community mental health leadership program for gender and sexual minority youth interested in being mental health-savvy knowledge holders and advocates. You’ll learn about gender and sexual minority health and practical strategies for health promotion; then the team will get to apply those skills to create their own mental health promotion intervention with MAX’s support.
More info coming soon.
If you need immediate mental health support, Counselling Connect now has an LGBT2SQ+ counselling portal where you can receive quick access to a no-cost session with trained professional counsellors from the LGBT2SQ+ community.
Single-session services are free. You select the time online that works for you, and at the time of your appointment, your counsellor will give you a call. Sessions are approximately sixty minutes in length.
More information coming soon.