MAX Ottawa’s Response to COVID-19

March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020 Statement

As a community-based organization, MAX Ottawa is committed to making sure our service users, staff, and volunteers have the necessary tools and resources to maximize our health and wellness. This includes accurate and up-to-date information on public health topics affecting our communities. 

The Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 for short, has been at the centre of our news feeds. The World Health Organization this month has classified COVID-19 as a pandemic, which simply means that this virus has spread to many places. Since it’s new, or novel, people may not have immunity to the disease. As such, it’s important to take steps to take care of yourself and others.

Ottawa Public Health has been doing a great job of keeping our community aware of how to best respond to COVID-19. Ottawa Public Health’s webpage recommendations include:

Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth unless you have just cleaned your hands

Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue or into your arm, not your hand

If possible, stay home if you are sick

Avoid visiting people in hospitals or long-term care centres if you are sick 

Get your flu shot if you haven’t already as the flu virus is still circulating in the community

MAX’s Response

MAX for its own part will continue to support individual community members to access our services. We encourage you to continue to contact us via our website, social media, email or phone calls or to arrange for in-person one-on-one appointments.

However, in consultation with group programming leads and community partners we have decided to either cancel all group programming (i.e.: Now What, MAXpress Yourself, Keeping it 100!, Behind The Scene, MAX Groups) or deliver them virtually. 

Details of whether groups are cancelled or happening online will be updated regularly on our website.

We will also continue to support our valued community and public health partners in Ottawa’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Make sure to include steps to take care of your mental and emotional health. We will continue to provide tips to do this. 

For those who may still have questions about the COVID-19 virus, please make sure to visit Ottawa Public Health’s website to learn more  

Brent Bauer, Board Chair

Roberto Ortiz, Executive Director

MAX Ottawa