MAX Blog
My Journey with MAX Ottawa
Hello, I’m David Ley and I use he/him pronouns. I am originally from Montreal and currently live in Ottawa. Since the age of 16, I have volunteered at various ASO’s (AIDS Service Organizations) and LGBTQ+ organizations with a harm reduction focus. I presently share my lived experience and knowledge of PNP to MAX’s safer party…
Read MoreSpill the Tea Premieres in Vancouver
YouthCO and MAX Bring Innovative “Spill the Tea” Campaign to Vancouver With a grant from ViiV Healthcare, YouthCO and MAX are launching their groundbreaking campaign to promote safer partying education for guys who are into guys in British Columbia for the first time. October 28 (Vancouver, BC) – On Wednesday, October 30th, YouthCO and MAX, in…
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Spill the Tea is a health and wellness intervention program to deliver safer partying education and awareness among guys into guys who participate in party and play, sometimes referred to as chemsex. This page will answer: What is Spill the Tea and how did it come about? Where can I get harm reduction supplies? Where…
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Spill the Tea (renverser du thé) est un programme d’intervention axé vers la santé et le mieux-être. Il vise à sensibiliser les gars intéressés par d’autres gars sur les façons les plus sûres de faire la fête. Il s’agit aussi de sensibiliser les gars intéressés par d’autres gars qui participent au PnP (« party and play »)…
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