MAX Blog
Community Call: Join the MAX Board of Directors
July 2023 Deadline to apply: Friday, September 8, 2023 MAX Ottawa Community Health: Championing the health and wellness of queer and trans guys in the Ottawa region since 2002. MAX offers programming and services that focus on health needs for 2-Spirit, gay, bisexual/pansexual, queer, and other men who have sex with men and transmasculine non-binary…
Read MoreUpdates from Acting Executive Director
Greetings, While I understand that these are unprecedented times, I sincerely hope you are staying safe, connected and finding support in ways that are meaningful. From isolation and stress to financial insecurity, the pandemic has certainly affected all of us in a number of ways. I’ve seen the numbers and it is assured that the…
Read MoreGiving Back with MAX
Supporting health and wellness for guys into guys As the pandemic rages on, affecting every part of our society, one thing remains steadily true: the queer community continues to be one of the hardest hit. Due to COVID-19, queer people face more challenges with employment security, financial security, and physical and mental health. Impact of…
Read MoreVolunteer Week 2020
Happy National Volunteer Week to all of MAX Ottawa Volunteers! Volunteers play a crucial part in the daily life of MAX and we want to celebrate all that they do for the community. We cannot do our work without our volunteers. For that reason, we launched a social media campaign that showcases their volunteering experience,…
Read MoreGetting Involved With Fundraising
Leonard Halladay, board members at MAX Ottawa, shares why he started a fundraising campaign for MAX
Read MoreMAX était présent au SMASH les 6 et 7 mars 2020
L’équipe de MAX ainsi que quelques collaborateurs ont offert quatre présentations lors du SMASH 2020 à Montréal Les 6 et 7 mars derniers avait lieu le Sommet Montréalais d’Action pour la Santé des Hommes ayant des relations sexuelles ou amoureuses avec d’autres hommes (SMASH), qui réunissait des intervenant·e·s, des professionèles de la recherche, des membres…
Read MoreMon expérience au SMASH 2020
Bonjour tout le monde, J’ai participé récemment au sommet SMASH2020 1 en ma qualité de bénévole auprès de MAX et également en tant qu’étudiant à la maîtrise en criminologie. Au cours de ce sommet, j’ai présenté la recherche que j’ai effectuée sur le racisme sexuel et l’exclusion dans le cyberespace de rencontre gai. Je dois…
Read MoreRécapitulation de SMASH 2020
Mon nom est Robin (pronoms il/lui) et j’en suis à ma première année de bénévolat pour Max Ottawa. J’ai eu la chance d’assister pour la première fois cette année, à l’édition 2020 de SMASH, le Sommet francophone sur l’action pour la santé des hommes GBTQ. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas l’événement, SMASH est organisé…
Read MoreHealth and COVID-19
As public health officials give us more direction around managing risk and symptoms related to COVID-19 infection, let’s remember to take care of our holistic health. On this page, you’ll find resources and tips for how to take care of your holistic health and wellness. This includes: MAX’s tips for Mental and Emotional Health MAX’s…
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