Swab-ay away!
May 6, 2022
Yes! We know that you know that it’s very important to get tested for STBBIs EVEN if you are on PrEP. But did you know that sometimes, if not most of the time, STBBIs do not show symptoms and that blood and urine tests are often not enough?
That’s where swabs come in!
While urine tests can detect chlamydia and gonorrhea, swabs can detect them more accurately by detecting infections in specific areas like your throat, vagina, and/or rectum. Swabs can also be used for herpes (if you have a current outbreak of herpes sores) and are also used to diagnose trichomoniasis. During a swab, your health care provider will use a long Q-tip-like swab to take a small sample of fluid from your throat, and anus and/or vagina, depending on which area of your body is likely to have an STI. This is a quick process where the swab is run over the area to collect the sample and then it is sent to a lab for testing. Results of swab tests take about 2 weeks so, if you think you might be infected, it’s a good idea to wait for confirmation and treatment before engaging in sexual activity. Swabs can also be conducted as part of a pap test.
You have questions about where and how to get swab testing?
Awesome! If you can’t or prefer not to talk to your doctor about it, contact us and we will be happy to connect you to testing resources.
Now swab-ay away!