5 things we learned last week at Behind The Scene

October 25, 2017

1)      Dr. Louise Balfour presented a useful self-help resource that could potentially offer you new skills to deal with some of life’s hard moments: http://www.comh.ca/publications/resources/pub_pchc/PCHC%20Workbook.pdf
2)      We learned from Bryan that creating social connections can be a tough but rewarding exercise. Through his involvement in different social/sports groups he’s gained an incredible support network. To connect with different groups in your community visit this list on our website:
https://maxottawa.ca/community-resources/ (Remember to narrow your search by using our sports or social group categories)
3)      We learned that not all connections to mental health services end up being successful. Connecting with culturally competent services is an important part of having a successful outcome in your journey to health. If you’re not sure where to start, connect with MAX’s mental health navigator who will help you select services that will respond to your specific needs.
4)      If you cannot find the spaces or activities that you would like to have to connect with other GBT2Q guys in Ottawa, connect with us to create you own through our Community MAXimizer Project. For more information follow the link below:https://maxottawa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Community-Maximizers-FAQs-1.pdf
5)      It can be difficult to create meaningful connections when you’re new to Ottawa. If you’re new consider going to some of these community or social events:https://maxottawa.ca/events/
If you’ve been around for a while think about how you can help to welcome the new folks!